Our Vision & Philosophy

Vision & Mission
Our aim is to provide a suitable environment for all to enjoy learning and playing football, regardless of ethnicity, gender, or ability. We look to develop our players mental, physical and teamwork abilities, as well as their footballing ones to create well rounded and respectful young people. We challenge our players, managers and coaches to strive for the highest possible standards. To support the local community in any way we can by use of our facilities and member’s support.
Our vision is to develop our facilities to meet the natural growth of the club and local community needs, providing a legacy for generations to come.
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Our Club Philosophy
‘Better Together’ is our clubs philosophy and symbolises everything we are about. There is no one individual more important than another. We all develop by helping each other and this is the greatest lesson we can implement as individuals, as a club and as a community. Our players and teams’ development is all derived from players, coaches, parents and friends in the community pulling together in the same direction. Likewise, parents, coaches and community friends also grow alongside our players and teams and are also ‘Better Together”.
Our Football Philosophy
Ball retention (possession) is the foundation of our football philosophy for both the individual player and the team. Both are important as, as players learn to keep the ball as individuals, the team also keeps possession of the ball. You need the ball to score and the other team cannot score without the ball.
The Player: We focus on technique, decision making and personality.
The Team: We use the “6p’s of football” for our players and teams: Passing, Pressing, Patience, Possession, Penetration and Positioning. Most importantly we give the freedom to our players to express themselves, make their own decisions no matter how many mistakes they may make and allow their individual personalities to shine. All in a fun, safe and friendly environment.
Our Coaching Philosophy
The Player
1.Players must listen and respect their coaches at all times
2.Our coaches aim to promote an environment which allows players to enjoy the game of football, develop individual skill and technique and to be part of a team
3.We coach our players to learn to play in every position on the pitch as we want them to develop into great ‘all-round footballers’
4.Our coaches aim to enhance players football knowledge and understanding of the game so they can adapt to different situations on the pitch.
5.When playing in a certain position during training or on matchdays, players must accept the role and show 100% commitment. Our coaches aim to rotate players regularly during the season.
The Team
1.Win, lose or draw it doesn’t matter! We want our players to play football with fun, focus and freedom…without the pressure of needing to win.
2.Winning games is great, but losing will also help improve players because in life nobody wins all the time and players need to learn how to ‘win’ and ‘lose’ games in a respectful manner, to learn from their mistakes and to prepare for their next challenge.
3.Blaming team mates if they make a mistake is unacceptable. It is a team game and everyone makes mistakes.
4.Teams will learn to encourage their team mates in a positive way, help each other to improve by offering good advice and stick together
5.Our coaches will not tolerate players who talk back in a disrespectful way, dive, cheat or pretend to be injured. However our coaches will act as educators to explain to children why this is wrong.